Saturday, January 16, 2010


We read a lot about the evil in the world. It seems all the media want to report is negative events and twists. It's true there is plenty, but in many poeple's world, there is a balance of good and evil. The yin-yang of the universe. Why can't news stations report equally on the positives? There is something referred to as 'critical mass,' as when a small group of monkees slowly learned a talent to use tools in order to retrieve insects from mounds. Slowly, more and more monkees were using the tools until such a large amount knew the technique that it was instantly programmed into every monkee at that point. Monkees on the other side of the planet with no contact immediately began using the same trick. In some kind of metaphysical transmission, the talent was passed to all of the species. Was it magic? Or coincidence? Who knows? But we do know that it happened. And it can help man do the same thing.
So why would we want to create a 'critical mass' of negativity and fear? Why would we want to focus attention on death, destruction, greed, sin, war, etc.? The Mayan calender has some ending supposedly in 2012. But we have heard end-time predictions before. All was supposed to collapse in 2000, but it didn't happen.
We can inmprove the world if we start with positives and stop criticizing and insulting and accusing anyone who thinks differently than us. We should be trying to help and understand others if we want to improve our own lives. In politics, media and PR 'experts' want to accuse the other side of doing nothing but harm. They accuse of failure, they condem and insult their opponents as if its a sport to win or lose a challenge. Politicians forget that the lives and future of our country depend on their actions. Should they not be offering solutions and help and positive reinforcement so we all work as a team?
Let's all start individually to think positive, help our opponents who want to help us, support the direction of our country and our world. Let's think of bringing the 'critical mass' to a new era of discovery, solutions, peace and problem solving, not problem creation.