Saturday, December 15, 2012


How blind! Calling killings the scurge of guns when the mind altering anti-depressant drugs are known to cause HOMICIDAL and SUICIDAL tendencies. And most every mass killing involves someone with disorders treated with these drugs. But Big Pharma is totally protected by HIPPA privacy laws. Murderers' should not have their rights protected. Get wise America, prescription drugs are the scurge! Don't get fooled by how you feel taking them, they are addicting. But then you learn what withdraw entails...MURDER and SUICIDE, or other such feelings of helplessness and defeat. I just had a patient who has been on mind altering drugs since he was 8. He never could 'find himself.' At 30, he just jumped in front of a train. Don't put your children, or yourself, on drugs for depression. It is a failing, ludicrous, violent experiment. Check the evidence ( ; ; ; etc. ) Wikipedia tells us: Whenever changes in antidepressant dosage occur, whether up or down, a doubling of the risk of suicide is seen.[159] A study of 159,810 users of either amytriptyline, fluoxetine, paroxetine or dothiepin found that the risk of suicidal behavior is increased in the first month after starting antidepressants, especially during the first 1 to 9 days.[160] The Food and Drug Administration requires Black Box warnings on all SSRIs, which state that they double suicidal rates (from 2 in 1,000 to 4 in 1,000) in children and adolescents.[124][161] although it's controversial whether this is due to the medication or as part of the depression itself (i.e. efficacious antidepressant effect can cause those that are severely depressed, to the point of severe psychomotor inhibition, are rendered more alert and thus have increased capacity to carry out suicide even though they are relatively improved in state[124][162]). The increased risk for suicidality and suicidal behaviour among adults under 25 approaches that seen in children and adolescents.[163] Young patients should be closely monitored for signs of suicidal ideation or behaviors, especially in the first eight weeks of therapy. People under the age of 24 who suffer from depression are warned that the use of antidepressants could increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour.[124] Federal health officials unveiled proposed changes to the labels on antidepressant drugs in December 2006 to warn people of this danger. The FDA warns against the use of Paxil for children and teens depression in favor of Prozac.[164] SSRI prescriptions for children and adolescents decreased after U.S. and European regulatory agencies issued warnings about a possible suicide risk with antidepressant use in pediatric patients, and these decreases were associated with increases in suicide rates in children and adolescents in both the United States with a 14% increase, and 50% increase in the Netherlands.[165] I'm not saying every mass killing is from drugs, but it is obvious that the coincidence would lead any sane detective to suspect the cause of these murders to be the effects of medication, newly prescribed, recently increased or recently stopped or decreased. We need to hold the makers and sellers responsible for depraved indifference (I learned that from Law and Order!).