Saturday, September 4, 2021

4th Novel, Destiny

Young cowgirls have rodeo dreams. When given opportunities and support, many dreams can come true! Caroline believes and receives five special gifts that change her life. One, a blessing from an ancient amulet, handed down to her, but can it get her to the National Finals Rodeo? This is a 'shadow-story' about a girl on the heels of Sarah Rose McDonald, the 2014 WPRA Rookie of the Year. Could a small town in southeast Georgia, produce two such champions, in a western rodeo world, could this really happen? The barrel racing life suits Caroline just fine as she learns from locals who live the horse life to the fullest. She discovers a family oriented world of animal lovers and wholesome values, and learns what it takes to get to the NFR.

Facts on the 'Condition'

Points, here's why some won't drink the KoolAid. After over 40 years working in health care, 9 of those as an Assistant Professor, 28 years in private practice in southeast Georgia, here is some of what I know: • There is a deadly virus circulating the world. It is not to be taken lightly. The number of dead is being constantly debated, but there is no debate it is killing a large number of people. • Hospitals are overwhelmed recently with a new strain of that virus. Thankfully for nurses, doctors and hospital personnel, the death rate is less and more patients are being released after a few weeks or less. • The CDC, NIH, FDA and WHO have decided the best defense is to use experimental vaccines and support that with masking and distancing of the total population. They give advice on what anti-viral treatments work for infected individuals. They give no other advice for immune health. • A few facts about viruses. They are small, 'submicroscopic,' a virus is more than 20 times smaller than a bacteria, which is 1 millionth of a meter. They are not living cells, they are just mRNA strands (messenger ribonucleic acid) inside a shell of protein. They can only reproduce inside another cell, which supplies the material and mechanisms needed to produce more viruses, replicas or mutations. They are dormant if not attached to a cell wall and soon become decayed and inactive. Covid viruses attach to a cell wall with the outer spikes seen only under an electron microscope. They then break through the cell wall chemically to release the mRNA strands into the cell where they hijack the endoplasmic reticulum to produce what is indicated by the nucleic acid code in the mRNA. The cell stops it's normal function to follow this code but soon self-destructs and breaks open (lysis) releasing all the newly completed viral shells to attack more cells. • Viruses, flu, measles, AIDS, covid/SARS, polio, etc., are in our midst all the time, as are bacteria, like pneumonia, tuberculosis, tetanus, even food poisoning, and many more. We have great immune defenses in our bodies that help defeat viral and bacterial attacks. The body makes different antibodies, or immunoglobulins, to fight different things. For example, the antibody for chickenpox isn't the same as the antibody for mononucleosis, even if they are both IgG. The types of antibodies are: • Immunoglobulin A - IgA, is found in the lining of the respiratory tract and the digestive system, as well as in saliva, tears, and breast milk. • Immunoglobulin G - IgG, is the most common antibody in the blood and other bodily fluids, and protects against bacterial and viral infections. IgG can take time to form after an infection or immunization. • Immunoglobulin M - IgM, is found mainly in blood and lymph fluid and is the first antibody made when fighting a new infection. • Immunoglobulin E - IgE, is found in small amounts in the blood, with higher amounts when the body has allergy reactions or a parasitic infection. • Immunoglobulin D - IgD, is not completely understood and found in very small amounts in blood. • Vaccines do not kill bacteria or viruses. Antibiotics do not kill viruses, only bacteria. Your body kills bacteria and viruses. Vaccines require a healthy functioning immune response to create antibodies against the infectious agent (antigen), that's how it works naturally. This covid vaccine is new and different, not fully studied and still not yet approved by the FDA. They authorized 3 vaccines for 'Emergency Use Approval,' 2 mRNA vaccines and 1 traditional adenoviral vector (Johnson & Johnson). • Traditional vaccines are made of attenuated or inactivated bacteria or viruses, normally using radiation or heat, to weaken them. Then they are injected into arm or butt muscles. Eventually, the immune cells locate and respond to the invaders, whether viral, bacterial or other toxins. The cells in your blood analyze, memorize and phagocytize (swallow-up), then defuse and destroy the antigen, able to recognize it if ever seen again! What a system! That's how vaccines work. An inactivated, weakened or attenuated germ to pre-warn the body of its presence out there, and stimulate antibody production. • However, the attenuation process alters the external wall of the antigen. So you get immune to a slightly altered form of the bacteria or virus. • This Covid vaccine, by Pfizer and Moderna, is not a traditional one. It is not an attenuated form of the virus. It is a bunch of 'messenger RNA' strips that are codes to produce the shell, and supposedly, hopefully, nothing else. (The NIH is aware of the shape because they know it was altered in a Wuhan lab. Covid has been around for many years. This particular strain has been genetically altered in a lab. Therefore, they knew more about how to make these mRNA strands quickly, within a year! The process is not totally new. It is genetic splicing of viral RNA by chemical reactions, not by sight. It has been tried with flu and some types of cancer hoping to create immune attackers for cancer cells, but to very little success.) The plan is to create a hollow shell that will not infect you. • In theory, the mRNA, inside a protein shell with membranes and spikes that enable it to attach to cell walls and penetrate cells, will be injected into your arm muscle, where it will force its way into muscle cells. Then mRNA flows into the cell's ribosomes/endoplasmic reticulum where it will interrupt normal cell functions in order to build hundreds of thousands of 'hollow covid shells' before your cell eventually explodes (lysis), releasing the shells into your blood stream and intercellular spaces. Then, in theory, your immune system sees the invader, the hollow shell, and T-cells quickly go to work, swallowing them and destroying them, they release interferons and cytokines to warn and destroy other infected cells, and Immunoglobulin-G slowly develops memory cells to kill the invader quicker if ever seen again. This is the only benefit offered by vaccines, to attack quicker. Because without the vaccine, you still have T-cells, phagocytes, interferons and cytokines and IgG doing their job. If someone is unhealthy and slow to react, this virus can attack fast, so this vaccine might improve your odds. If you are healthy and have been exposed, you already have IgG antibodies for quick responses. • This covid vaccine has never been tried before, en masse. There's no idea if the mRNA strands mutate, how a hollow shell looks and could it be shaped differently enough, since it's empty, that the IgG and the lymphocytes memorize a fake shape? Does that explain the seemingly poor results after multiple injections? One of the many fears is that mRNA is known to circulate in your blood. It can go anywhere in the body. A December, 2020, study in Nature - NeuroScience found: "SARS-CoV-2 mRNA has been recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid4, suggesting it can cross the blood–brain barrier." Are we ready for genetic modification (gmo) in our bodies? • Scientific studies and reports are full of numbers, averages, percentages, all making them very confusing. But one thing is clear, the bigger the numbers, the more reliable are the findings. Let's avoid too many numbers but here is one easy one: Even one person dying is too much. But covid is not a plague. 330,000,000 (330 million) people live in the US, covid claimed some 400,000 in 2020, way too many but less than heart disease and cancer's yearly numbers, meaning it killed 0.12% of the population. That means 99.88% survived, without a vaccine! Many of them 'tested positive' and/or had symptoms and got better. In contrast, the Black Death plague of the year 1350 killed nearly 30% of the population, between 70 and 200 million people died in a population of 350 million. • Statistics are shabby at convincing us of the truth. Headlines such as "50% of measles outbreak at college were unvaccinated students," displays no success. 50% were vaccinated. Case in point, in 2020 in the US, 99.8% of the population did not die from covid when there were no vaccines available. Pfizer and Moderna claimed their vaccines were 90 to 92% effective in preventing death from Covid. Johnson & Johnson's traditional type has a lower, 80% success rate. Therefore, you are MORE likely to die from Covid if you take the vaccine, 99.8% versus 92% at best! Aside from this creative use of statistics, exposure gives you exact recognition of the virus present at the time. In fact, if you have had exposure since the new strains have appeared, you actually have a more up-to-date immunity than the vaccine will ever create! The vaccine is based on last year's shape and spikes. • Flu viruses mutate every year, thus, Spanish flu, Oriental flu, Swine flu, Bird flu, Hong Kong flu, etc. Last year's vaccine is not very effective against this year's flu strain. (Side note: 2020 surprisingly had way fewer deaths from the flu, normally 60,000 a year. In fact, the positive covid tests do not differentiate whether it is covid or the flu or a cold. If you had one of those positive tests in 2020, you were counted as a positive covid for statistics. The claim that the shut downs and masking kept people from getting the flu is debunked by the fact that they were counted as covid instead, and would bring up the question, how did it prevent the flu but not covid? ) But after years of various flu injections, one would have lots of memory cells looking out for lots of attenuated shell forms! Seems like a waste of defenses. Is there a plan to make new covid vaccines every year and make them mandatory? • Remember that viruses are so small that you would not see 6 million of them if they were on your fingertip, which they normally are. They have been around for as long as humans and probably before. You can only see them with a powerful electron microscope. They are so small and nearly omnipresent that a cloth mask will not keep them out, especially a mask used over and over! Viruses are not alive. They are not living cells. They are like tiny, tiny dust particles floating in the atmosphere, just a few times bigger than a few oxygen molecules. They cannot be seen or cause harm unless attached to living cells. We, humans that is, have been fighting and winning this battle since mankind began. I wear a mask, if it is required by a store, restaurant or other entity. But if it's not required, I do not wear a mask. The reason is I am convinced by research that they make very little difference and severely limit my oxygen intake and carbon dioxide release, a more threatening condition for my own body, my first concern. The only way to avoid viruses is to live in a bubble. As far as protecting other people, I'll keep some distance, I will not sneeze or cough in other's faces, I clean my hands and disinfect where needed, etc. I even limit my hugs! But thinking a loosely worn mask makes you a humanitarian is over the top. Donate to food banks, it will save more lives. So, I am not trying to convince anyone either way with vaccines or facemasks. I believe everyone has the freedom to choose. I do not believe all the fake news that has come out, both in favor and in opposition. In science, we follow the numbers and proven results. It is not a political issue, it is a health issue. If the governments or medical authoritarians want to make mandates to prevent people from dying, they should work on the diseases that kill the most: heart disease, cancer, pulmonary diseases all kill more people each year than covid. Why are there no mandates against known causes of these diseases; i.e., excess salt, excess sugar, alcohol, caffeine, saturated fats, smoking, obesity, etc.? The fact is many people have a hesitancy to take the vaccine or to wear a mask. I would like to mention the most common reasons people feel this way. • Lack of trust, in government, media and the medical community/pharmaceutical industry. • Have already acquired immunity, by exposure and/or a mild case of it. • Believe in Alternative approaches and don't take vaccines or prescription drugs. • Have an immune disease that prevents this approach. • Have had bad reactions in the past to vaccines, or has a child who has had reactions. • Have a religious exemption to drugs, needles or surgery. • Fear of the unstudied nature of this particular vaccine. • Conspiracy theorists; microchips, gps markers, links to the satellite trains, ethnic cleansing, etc. There are many reasons why 40 to 50% of our population remain unvaccinated, but in this country it is not the cost or the availability of the vaccine. Why a lack of trust? The government has lost all integrity. Big business has taken over elections and the media. Money rules, even in the medical/pharmaceutical fields. So often we watch tv or social media and laugh at the ridiculousness. It's just too hard to believe the journalists' spin. "The Fairness Doctrine, by the FCC, was created in 1949 and required holders of broadcast licenses to both present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that is honest, equitable and balanced. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Registry in 2011." Media no longer has to be balanced and each year they get worse. There is a great distrust of the media, doing the government and big businesses' business. But I digress. Can we believe the tests? This is another question on many people's minds. Here are some facts from the FDA and the CDC about testing: The FDA reports that 3 laboratories, 19 manufacturers and 268 separate tests were all being used at one time to test for covid. All of the above have been removed as unacceptable by the FDA, indicating that there were many false or invalid tests. Now the CDC lists only 3 accepted tests. There is an antibody test (Blood - 1-3 days in a lab) to see if your body has been exposed to flu or a cold or covid and has developed immune system antibodies. And, currently, there are two types of diagnostic tests for COVID-19 (Saliva, nasal or throat swabs): • Molecular (RT-PCR) tests, (at-home tests) which detect the virus' genetic material, quickly. • Antigen tests that detect specific proteins from the surface of the virus, quickly. Molecular and antigen tests can detect if you have an active coronavirus infection. If you test positive on either type of test, you should follow the CDC's guidelines to protect yourself and others. Molecular and antigen tests are performed using samples taken from the nose and throat using a long swab, or other respiratory specimens. • The CDC Flu SC2 Multiplex Assay, Serves as a single test to diagnose infection caused by one of three viruses: SARS-CoV-2, influenza A, and influenza B. (FDA Emergency Use Authorization, July 2, 2020) • The CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT–PCR Diagnostic Panel detects the SARS-CoV-2 virus in upper and lower respiratory specimens. The International Reagent Resource (IRR) external icon is distributing the 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel and supplies to registered state and local public health labs so they can perform SARS-CoV-2 testing. (FDA EUA, Feb. 4, 2020) Which one have you had? Most do not know which test they had. Regardless, here are some facts: If you have a positive test result on a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test, it is possible that you have recently or previously had COVID-19, the flu or a cold. There is also a chance that the positive result is wrong, known as a false positive. False positive tests may occur: • Because antibody tests may detect coronaviruses other than SARS-CoV-2, such as those that cause the common cold. • When testing is done in a population without many cases of COVID-19 infections. These types of tests work best in populations with higher rates of infection. The FDA answers some questions: Q: Does a positive antibody test mean that I am immune to COVID-19? A: A positive antibody test does not necessarily mean you are immune from SARS-CoV-2 infection, as it is not known whether having antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 will protect you from getting infected again. It also does not indicate whether you can infect other people with SARS-CoV-2. Q: What does a negative antibody test mean? A: A negative result on a SARS-CoV-2 antibody test means antibodies to the virus were not detected in your sample. It could mean: • You have not been infected with COVID-19 previously. • You had COVID-19 in the past but you did not develop or have not yet developed detectable antibodies or when your exposure decreased the antibody production decreased. It is unknown if all infected individuals will develop a detectable antibody response. • The result may be wrong, known as a false negative. This occurs when the test does not detect antibodies even though you may have specific antibodies for SARS-CoV-2. There are several reasons why negative antibody test results do not indicate with certainty that you do not have or have not had an infection with SARS-CoV-2. For example, if you are tested soon after being infected with SARS-CoV-2, the test may be negative, because it takes time for the body to develop an antibody response. It is also unknown if antibody levels decline over time to undetectable levels. Q. I received a COVID-19 vaccination. Do I need an antibody test to know if I am immune to COVID-19? A: Antibody tests are not recommended to determine your level of immunity or protection from COVID-19. So, you can see there's no acceptable way of knowing? These facts make people question the science. Disease eradication occurs because of many reasons. We only hear about drugs and vaccines as the reasons but more valuable have been improvements in hygiene, sanitation, diets and education. Other statistical reductions have been caused by re-categorization of disease diagnosis and symptom recognition, such as a polio diagnosis being more correctly diagnosed as multiple sclerosis or muscular dystrophy or some other neurologic disease not known previously. The claim that vaccines create 'herd immunity' and cause viruses to be made extinct is a fallacy. Viruses will always be around. If you don't have defenses in your body, they will win the war. Polio is currently alive and well due to the only source of it these days, oral polio vaccine. The oral vaccine is still used in some countries. Complete eradication is not possible since they will always mutate to new strains. Outbreaks like the plagues of the middle ages were 'eradicated' without the use of vaccines. Small pox outbreaks have been deadly, but self-limiting for thousands of years, before variolation, or inoculation, began in the 1700's. Like the 'dairymaids' with 'natural' immunity, what makes one immune is mild exposure and a functioning immune system. Inoculation is very different from vaccination. Today we would refer to it as antibody therapy, that is, transferring antibodies from an immune individual to another. Just not like Jenner, taking puss from open sores of the dairymaids and placing it in an open cut in the skin of his 'healthy child patient.' Inoculation was used for over 200 years, and worked. What works even better is superior care, hygiene, foods, etc. The claim that unvaccinated people are more likely to spread the virus is a fallacy as it is proven that vaccinated people can also be carriers, even though they are said to be 'protected.' Therefore, you are no more likely to 'catch' the virus from unvaccinated versus vaccinated people. I don't believe anyone should accuse others of causing their own illnesses, especially not Sean Penn and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The claim that being vaccinated only gives you a mild case of 'breakthrough' infections should you get sick is also a weak theory. Of course, there's no double-blind study that illnesses are milder after a vaccination, only statistical observation. Healthier people also have milder symptoms. And the same percentage of vaccinated people die from illnesses 'associated with covid.' If these vaccines worked, you would not have to worry about 'catching' covid once vaccinated, but you obviously do. The 'Delta' variant is being found in recent infections. The two test types used by the public do not differentiate variants. So how is it that they claim the Delta variant is emerging? Mutations of the virus are randomly identified by genetic sequence-based surveillance but more frequently by regional epidemiology statistics. More recently there are more active infections and a sudden rise in positive tests indicating a possible faster spreading and more active variant. There have been over a half dozen variants so far for covid. The CDC states, as of August 3, 2021: "To date, no variants of high consequence have been identified in the United States." Many of the variations include the spike proteins on the outer wall of the shell. Variants make changes to the outer appearance of the virus, altering the shape, and so, antibodies may not recognize the new strains as quickly! Claiming that vaccines are more effective than natural immunity is like the claim that baby formula is better than breast milk. Natural immunity works best. NOTE: Speak with your health care provider before starting any medications or supplements. Seek medical care as necessary. A better and more effective approach is to stimulate the immune system at all times. • Children should be breastfed for a minimum of 12 months, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. (Breast milk gives the baby loads of white blood cells, all memory cells the mother has in her system, and plenty of T-cells and IgG's and other immunoglobulins, since the infant's immune system is not fully developed until after 6 months old. None of that is found in 'formula!') • Less toxins and less trash in our diets (and be honest with your self-evaluation!) • More fresh air, some sunshine, more clean water and more physical exercise • Better hygiene by cleaning surfaces, hands, sinuses, teeth and gums, and clean foods. • Neurologic and muscular stimulation, i.e., chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, etc. • Plenty of natural herbs, vitamins and enzymes in foods help strengthen the immune system, made up of glands, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bone marrow, etc. • There are other anti-viral approaches such as Remdesivir, Tamiflu, and, of course, Hydroxychloroquine. Tonic water contains Quinine. Monolaurin is anti-viral. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic that is said to help. Some treatments may not be found to kill or defeat the virus, but may help the body control secondary bacterial or parasitic surges, thus aiding recovery and preventing death. • Things that help during infection and recovery include Pepcid, Mucinex, Zinc with Quercetin, Vitamin B-Complex, Omega-3 Supplements and Potassium rich foods, like Bananas, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Avocados and Oranges. Why, you might ask, does the medical autocracy never mention these points in the media? Just as frightening, hospitals and doctors were paid more if they treated a covid case, so most patients were tested for flu, cold or covid and if positive, they were counted as a covid case, even if they ultimately died of other unrelated causes, so they could get more money for the case. That, more than likely, makes all the statistics fraught with fraud. And let us not forget that there is a separate court system set up, the 'vaccine court.' The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, started in 1980, is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions. Any individual of any age, who received a covered vaccine and believes he or she was injured as a result, can file a petition to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. But the Covid vaccines are petitioned in a separately funded program known as Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program with some minor differences, such as the final decision is made by Health and Human Services, not judges, and there are no appeal rights to higher courts. So, you see there are many reasons the public doubts the science and questions the mandates. I am all for saving lives and protecting the public. I love and respect every human. I respect and appreciate the hard work done to produce these vaccines for those who choose to use them. I appreciate the hard work by our front line health care workers. However, I do not believe the responsibilities of freedom require us to submit to experimental genetic modification by injections. The science is just not there. You may disagree with many of these points, but any one of them can produce questions, doubt and disbelief to the whole theory. I hope this helps you understand why there are those who choose differently. Sincerely yours in Health, Jeffry Smith, BS, DC